- A ninth reed contact is Htted at the end of the block, to enable turning off the indication for the relevant length of the track. The circuit is composed of 8 set-reset (S-R) bistables, which drive a LED each.
- This section indication system may be a just the thing you have been looking for when you own a fairly large model railway with tunnels and tracks at several levels, and are sometimes at a loss find the where abouts of a particular train.
- The reed contacts are actuated with the aid of a small magnet fitted to the underside of the engine. Depending on the most suitable location of the magnet, T the reed contacts are fitted in between the tracks or along- side the left or right hand rail. Several of these section indication systems may be fitted in series to enable making a con- trol panel with many lights to indicate the train positions. Observing the direction of travel of the trains, section junctions are fitted with S9 (end of previous section) and S1 (begin I of section) located next to each other.
- This circuit uses LEDs to indicate the train’s position. Each track block is split up into 8 sections, whose starting points are marked with reed contacts (Si-S8).
- All SET inputs are combined in a NOR gate, N1, which drives a pulse shaper and buffer to reset the bistables with a brief pulse to ensure that only the LED for the last passed track section is lit.
Indicator circuit for model railway
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