When the achievement of astable multivibrator is low, Q1 will be OFF and Q2 will be ON. The abrogating terminal of the capacitor C3 will be shorted to arena through T2 and it will be answerable to the ascribe accumulation voltage. When the achievement of the astable multi vibrator is high, transistor Q1 will be ON and transistor Q2 will be OFF. The capacitor C4 will be answerable to the voltage beyond capacitor C3 additional the ascribe accumulation voltage. This is how the circuit works.
This voltage doubler circuit can bear alone up to 50mA achievement accepted and aloft that accepted absolute the achievement voltage will be badly reduced. The absolute achievement voltage will be about 19V for a 12V DC ascribe and aswell the achievement voltage will be a bit unstable. Anyway, for low accepted applications this circuit is able-bodied enough.
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