Dual Power Supply Circuit |
Friday, October 31, 2014
If you are certain that the 12-V power supply voltage is switched off when the PC is in the sleep mode, you can use this connection instead. To switch everything on, press the Start button to cause the power relay to be energized and provide mains voltage to all of the equipment. If the PC has an ATX board, its Power switch must be pressed at the same time to cause the PC to start up. When the PC fan starts to run, low-power relay Re1 engages and takes over the function of the Start switch, which can then be released. This state is stable. If the PC switches to the sleep state, the 12-V voltage drops out.
A low-power 12-V relay that can switch mains voltage is adequate for Re2. The Start pushbutton switch is connected to the mains voltage, so a 230-V type must be used. The circuit board layout and enclosure must also be designed in accordance with safety regulations. A separation of at least 6 mm must be maintained between all components carrying mains voltage and the low-voltage components, and the enclosure must be completely free of risk of electrical shock. With a bit of skill, the circuit can be fitted into a power bar with a built-in switch, if the switch is replaced by a pushbutton switch having the same mounting dimensions.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Simple Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram |
Tr1 BCY70 (or BC 182L or BC212L or BC214L)
Tr2/3/4 BFY50/51
Tr5 BFX88
Tr6/7 2N3055
Risk of instability if no input connected. When testing, connect R (about 3k3). The Simple Power Amplifier Circuit needs well smoothed power supply of about 20 to 30 volts. Peak power is well over 10 Watts.
Circuit diagram :
Parts List :
R1____________10K 1/4W Resistor
R2,R3_________22K 1/4W Resistors
R4___________100K 1/4W Resistor
R5,R9,R10_____56K 1/4W Resistors
R6_____________5K6 1/4W Resistor
R7___________560R 1/4W Resistor
R8_____________2K2 1/4W Resistor
R11____________1K 1/4W Resistor
R12___________33K 1/4W Resistor
R13__________330R 1/4W Resistor
C1___________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C2____________10µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C3___________470µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C4____________47µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
D1_____________5mm. Red LED
IC1__________LM358 Low Power Dual Op-amp
Q1___________BC327 45V 800mA PNP Transistor
MIC1_________Miniature electret microphone
SW1__________2 poles 4 ways rotary switch
B1___________9V PP3 Battery
Clip for PP3 Battery
Use :
- Place the small box containing the circuit in the room where you intend to measure ambient noise.
- The 50 dB setting is provided to monitor the noise in the bedroom at night. If the LED is steady on, or flashes bright often, then your bedroom is inadequate and too noisy for sleep.
- The 70 dB setting is for living-rooms. If this level is often exceeded during the day, your apartment is rather uncomfortable.
- If noise level is constantly over 85 dB, 8 hours a day, then you are living in a dangerous environment.
- Multi-channel Sensor AFE with a 16- before 24-smidgen Sigma Delta ADC underlying
- Flexible, programmable mux (4 differential, 7 single-ended, or else a combination inputs)
- permanent background sensor diagnostics reduces downtime and improves procedure efficiency
- Quick design and evaluation
- Ideal used for sharp-precision, multi-sensor hotness, pressure, load, and force applications
- industrialized, process control, health check, and test & measurement applications
Resolution | Current Sources | Inputs | |
4 Diff / 7 SE | 2 Diff / 4 SE | ||
24-bit | Yes | LMP90100 | LMP90098 |
24-bit | No | LMP90099 | LMP90097 |
16-bit | Yes | LMP90080 | LMP90078 |
16-bit | No | LMP90079 | LMP90077 |
This timer circuit can be used to switch OFF a particular device after around 35 minutes. The circuit can be used to switch OFF devices like radio, TV, fan, pump etc after a preset time of 35 minutes. Such a circuit can surely save a lot of power.
The circuit is based on quad 2 input CMOS IC 4011 (U1).The resistor R1 and capacitor C1 produces the required long time delay. When pushbutton switch S2 is pressed, capacitor C1 discharges and input of the four NAND gates are pulled to zero. The four shorted outputs of U1 go high and activate the transistor Q1 to drive the relay. The appliance connected via the relay is switched ON. When S2 is released the C1 starts charging and when the voltage at its positive pin becomes equal to ½ the supply voltage the outputs of U1 becomes zero and the transistor is switched OFF. This makes the relay deactivated and the appliance connected via the relay is turned OFF. The timer can be made to stop when required by pressing switch S1.
Circuit diagram with Parts list.
- Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB or common board.
- The circuit can be powered from a 9V PP3 battery or 12V DC power supply.
- The time delay can be varied by varying the values of C1&R1.
- The push button switch S2 is for starting the timer and S1 for stopping the time.
- The appliance can be connected via contacts N1 & N2 of the relay RL1.
- The IC U1 is 2 input quad NAND gate 4011.
This is the circuit diagram of a two channel audio line driver using the high performance dual opamp IC TSH22 from ST Microelectronics. The 25 MHz bandwidth, low distortion and high output current of the IC makes it possible to drive medium impedance loads at a high level of modulation.
Here both of the opamps inside the IC are wired as non inverting amplifiers with 3X gain, one for each channel. Input line 1 is connected to the non inverting input of IC1a and input line 2 is connected to the non inverting input of IC1b. The non inverting inputs of the opamps IC1a and IC1b are pulled to a slight positive voltage using the R1 and R9 respectively. The resistance R4 and R2 are used to make a phantom ground at half the supply voltage.
Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB.
The circuit can be powered from 12V DC.
At 12V supply, a 600 ohm impedance line can be driven at +10dBm with a distortion less than 0.05% at 1kHz.
Gain of line 1 can be set using the equation, Gain1 = (R5+R6)/R6.
Gain of line 2 can be set using the equation, Gain2 = (R7+R8)/R8.
The load at the output must be at least 100 ohms in order to avoid stability issues.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The combination of the LM4651 driver IC and the LM4652 power MOSFET Class D power amplifier IC provides a high efficiency amplifier solution, suitable for self-powered speakers, subwoofers and quality car boosters.
The LM 4651 is a fully integrated conventional pulse width modulator (PWM) driver, containing undervoltage, short circuit, overmodulation, and thermal shutdown protection circuitry. The IC features a standby function which shuts down the pulse width modulation, minimizing supply current.
The LM 4652 is a fully integrated H-bridge Power Mosfet IC in a TO220 power package. The IC has a built in temperature sensor to alert the LM4651 when the die temperature exceeds the threshold limit.
Used together, the LM4651 and LM4652 form a simple, compact, efficient, high quality power audio amplifier solution complete with protection, normally seen only in Class AB amplifiers.
The input filter used here does not noticeably increase THD performance but will help to maintain a flat frequency response as the Q of the output filter changes with load impedance.
Do not attempt to build this amplifier as your first project! Class D high power amplifiers are expensive, difficult to build and a very small error during assembly can lead to total devastation of the power IC or other costly components.
Police Lights Circuit Schematic |
Auto White LED Circuit Schematic
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
R1 and C1 components can be a variable type . By modifying values of R1 and C1 will vary the tone .
For this audio oscillator circuit you can use almost any transistor . To power this audio oscillator you’ll need to use a 9 volt battery or a 9 volt DC power supply .
Take a note that you must use aluminium heatsink (and a fan) to prevent over heating on the transistor (2N3055/MJ2955).
This circuit require dual polarity power supply. You may use this dual polarity power supply circuit. Use 5A center tapped amplifier with voltage output of 25V-0-25V or 32V-0-32V. The capacitor type is electrolytic capacitor, recommended value: 4 x 6800uF/63V (minimum). 10000uF will be better.
NE555 Flashing LEDs Schematic |
Monday, October 27, 2014
The series of automatic water pump controller is equipped with SW1 which serves to reverse the logic of drains (the output of IC1C) and the concept of water supplied (output dri IC1D). When SW1 is connected to IC1D the water pump will turn on when the water does not touch all the sensors and will die when all the sensors tesentuh water. Automatic water pump controller can be used to fill or drain the water according to which mode is selected via SW1.
Robot Sensor circuit with AVR ATMega Circuit |
Voltage comparator Circuit |
- Reinforce the logic level sensor output
- Amplifies the sensor output signal
- Control and determine the reference point sensor
- Reinforce the logic level sensor output is intended to avoid the floating logic conditions, with the goal of getting the process of transition logic (high) to a logic low (low) or vice versa in a fast sensors. So as to enhance the response to the sensor readings track work.
Simple 6V Fluorescent Light Circuit Diagram design |
7.1 Channel audio Surround Sound system |
Block Diagram of Line Follower Robot with AVR ATMega 8535 |
- Line Follower Robot Sensor on can use a photo diode or photo transistor, this section serves to detect the presence of trajectory track.
- Keypad, this part of the function buttons to start / stop Line Follower Robot and as voters Line Follower Robot configuration settings for the field will be going through.
- Display, a part which serves to show the option of setting and the setting (it is enough that needs to be in view) of this section or the viewer can use a 7 segment LCD.
- Motor Driver, this part of a series of H Bridge DC motor driver. This section controls the motor in langsun. This section is an AVR microcontroller interface anatara ATMega with DC motor. I like to use the IC motor driver L298 family.
- ATMega8535 AVR microcontrollers, this section is the part that determines where the robot will be taken based on the data from the sensor. This section is set langkah2 Line Follower Robot in the conquest of the track.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Yoke Deflection |
- Vertical oscillator (vertical countdown)
- Ramp generator
- Vertical amplifier drive
- Vertical amplifier-out
- Pum-up (flyback generator)
- Feedback circuit
- Vertical deflection coil
- Picture rolling up if the frequency is lower
- Rolling down the picture if the frequency is higher.
Ramp-generator - vertical pulses from the oscillator is a square, ramp-function generator to change the shape of the signal box into a sawtooth shape. Sawtooth signal shape is determined by the value of resistor-capacitor filter contained in this section.
Vertical count-down circuit and the ramp-generator circuit is in common IC. But there are certain circuits where the ramp generator IC is in the vertical-out, ie aircraft using the TA8690 and TA8445.
Vertical amplifier Drive - serves to amplify the signal before it is fed into the vertical vertical-output amplifier. Circuits generally be one with a vertical power amplifier out.
Vertical power-amplifier Out - vertical sawtooth signal is amplified by this section to be able to supply power to the coil current sawtooth vertical deflection. The working principle of the vertical amplifier-out does not vary much with the audio power-amplifier
Pump Up (flyback generator) - applying localized electron beam vertically from the top to the bottom of the screen. To conduct further re-sweeping the electron beam must be returned with a quick way into the top layer. To do this required a strong pulse but only a moment the so-called vertical-retrace pulse, which pulse is required to establish a higher voltage supply on the vertical-out amplifier.
While doing the sweeping-vertical from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen vertically-out circuit generally requires a voltage supply of about 25V. And at the vertical-retrace or back from the bottom to the top of the screen quickly takes a larger supply voltage of about 50V. Vertical pump-up circuit is in the vertical IC-out and serves to generate a high voltage at the moment-vertical retrace and require external components consisting of a diode and an Elko.
Vertical-drive circuit, pump-up and reinforcing vertical-out is generally a single IC package in the vertical-out.
There are several types of vertical IC-outs that do not use a pump-up circuit. Instead of the vertical-out requires two kinds of supply Vcc, the supply of low voltage and high voltage supply.
In this respect the relay shown has specifications of 3.5 and 1.5 V respectively, yet the circuit allows it to operate from an intermediate supply voltage of 2.5 V. Table 1 compares the relay’s power dissipation with fixed operating voltages across it, and with the circuit shown here in place. The power savings are significant. When SW1 is closed, current flows through the relay coil, and C1 and C2 begin to charge. The relay remains inactive because the supply voltage is less than its pickup voltage. The RC time constants are such that C1 charges almost completely before the voltage across C2 reaches the logic threshold of the analogue switch inside the MAX4624 IC.
When C2 reaches that threshold, the on-chip switch connects C1 in series with the 2.5 V supply and the relay coil. This action causes the relay to be turned on because its coil voltage is then raised to 5 V, i.e., twice the supply voltage. As C1 discharges through the coil, the coil voltage drops back to 2.5 V minus the drop across D1. However, the relay remains on because the resultant voltage is still above the dropout level (1.5 V). Component values for this circuit depend on the relay characteristics and the supply voltage. The value of R1, which protects the analogue switch from the initial current surge through C1, should be sufficiently small to allow C1 to charge rapidly, but large enough to prevent the surge current from exceeding the specified peak current for the analogue switch.
The switch’s peak current (U1) is 400 mA, and the peak surge current is IPEAK = (VIN – VD1) / R1 + RON) where RON is the on-resistance of the analogue switch (typically 1.2 Ω). The value of C1 will depend on the relay characteristics and on the difference between VIN and the pickup voltage. Relays that need more turn-on time requires larger values for C1. The values for R2 and C2 are selected to allow C1 to charge almost completely before C2’s voltage reaches the logic threshold of the analogue switch. In this case, the time constant R2C2 is about seven times C1(R1 + RON). Larger time constants increase the delay between switch closure and relay activation. The switches in the MAX4624 are described as ‘guaranteed break before make’. The opposite function, ‘make-before break’ is available from the MAX4625. The full datasheets of these interesting ICs may be found at http://pdfserv.maxim-ic.com/arpdf/MAX4624-MAX4625.pdf
Saturday, October 25, 2014
The requisite high voltage is generated with the aid of a small mains transformer, whose secondary winding is here used as the primary. This winding, in conjunction with C2, forms a resonant circuit. Capacitor C3 is charged to the supply voltage (12 V) via R3.When a pulse output by IC1b triggers the thyristor, the capacitor is discharged via the secondary winding. The energy stored in the capacitor is, however, not lost, but is stored in the magnetic field produced by the transformer when current flows through it. When the capacitor is discharged, the current ceases, whereupon the magnetic field collapses. This induces a counter e.m.f. in the transformer winding which opposes the voltage earlier applied to the transformer.
Circuit diagram:
This means that the direction of the current remains the same. However, capacitor C2 is now charged in the opposite sense, so that the potential across it is negative. When the magnetic field of the transformer has returned the stored energy to the capacitor, the direction of the current reverses, and the negatively charged capacitor is discharged via D1 and the secondary winding of the transformer. As soon as the capacitor begins to be discharged, there is no current through the thyristor, which therefore switches off. When C2 is discharged further, diode D1 is reverse-biased, so that the current loop to the transformer is broken, whereupon the capacitor is charged to 12 V again via R3. At the next pulse from IC1b, this process repeats itself.
Since the transformer after each discharge of the capacitor at its primary induces not only a primary, but also a secondary voltage, each triggering of the thyristor causes two closely spaced voltage pulses of opposite polarity. These induced voltages at the secondary, that is, the 230 V, winding, of the transformer are, owing to the higher turns ratio, much higher than those at the primary side and may reach several hundred volts. However, since the energy stored in capacitor C2 is relatively small (the current drain is only about 2 mA), the output voltage cannot harm man or animal. It is sufficient, however, to cause a clearly discernible muscle convulsion.
Copyright: Elektor Electronics
Friday, October 24, 2014
Part List:
R1, R4 2.2K 1/4W Resistor
R2, R3 4.7K 1/4W Resistor
R5 1K 1/4W Resistor
R6 1.5K 1/4W Resistor
R7 33K 1/4W Resistor
R8 10K 1/4W Resistor
C1,C2 0.1uF Ceramic Disc Capacitor
C3 470uF 25V Electrolytic Capcitor
D1 1N914 Diode
D2 1N4004 Diode
D3 12V 400mW Zener Diode
Q1, Q2, Q4 BC547 NPN Transistor
Q3 BD679 NPN Transistor
L1 See Notes
MISC Heatsink For Q3, Binding Posts (For Input/Output), Wire, Board

Thursday, October 23, 2014
